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Abstract Leaves



I am suffering from eczema, and this is the only moisturizer I have found that works for me. I don't like the scents of most creams and lotions, but this cream leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated.


I love this product. I use it on my face and body. It leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized without any greasy residue. It's great for eczema sufferers who want a good moisturizer without all the chemicals that can dry out your skin.

I've spent hundreds of dollars trying to find the right skin care products for me, and now I can happily say that I have found it with EYRA, it's literally changed my life, this cream is magic in a bottle!


I am absolutely thrilled with your products and how quickly they worked to give me my confidence back. I purchased your products over a week ago now and have been so incredibly happy. It's like having a whole lot of new best friends! I look forward to my morning shower where I am greeted with Properly Clean, handsome look . The Mature Moisturising Cream has been magical.


I no longer feel like I need to hide behind make-up because my break-outs were so soul crushing


I could cry tears of happiness. I have finally found something that works. The Eczema moisturising Cream works its magic and gave me painless icthiness nights .


I cannot thank you enough for acne moisturizing cream. I have dealt with face and back breakouts for almost 20 years, and been to numerous dermatologists. I thought I had tried everything - sprays, washes, and all they did was dry out my skin and make it itchy - and I would still get breakouts the minute I broke a sweat.


I am absolutely thrilled with your products and how quickly they worked to give me my confidence back. I purchased your products over a week ago now and have been so incredibly happy. It's like having a whole lot of new best friends! I look forward to my morning shower where I am greeted with Properly Clean, handsome look . The Mature Moisturising Cream has been magical.

Jose Lein

I love this rejuvenating moisturiser, very light, absorbs quickly but somehow it is super effective and leaves my skin full of energy. It glows.
I have very sensitive skin with innumerable contact allergies. I use only creams recommended by my dermatologist. This is one of the very few exceptions.

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