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Comphor Oil

Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) is a terpene (organic compound) that’s commonly used in creams, ointments, and lotions. Camphor oil is the oil extracted from the wood of camphor trees and processed by steam distillation. It can be used topically to relieve pain, irritation, and itching.

It has a strong odour and taste and is easily absorbed through the skin. Mainly used in dermal applications.

Comphor Oil

The bark of this tree of 15 meters has the characteristic of being red. In China, natural camphor has been considered as a medicine for 2000 years. The wood of the camphor, whose particular smell persists for several years, has insect repellent properties against moths. For this reason, it was used in the manufacture of trunks for carrying furs. The camphor tree is also the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima, the first, with the Ginkgo biloba, to have grown after the atomic bombardment Chemistry: Oxides: 1,8-cineole (8 to 16%) Monoterpenols: camphor (30 to 50%) Esters: safrole (10 to 18%). Mainly used in dermal application, the camphor essential oil, is well known in the famous tiger balm. Refreshing, camphor essential oil is also used to clear the respiratory tractPROPERTIES OF CAMPHOR ESSENTIAL OIL Antiseptic, Analgesic General tonic Reduces pain and coughing Respiratory and cardiac stimulant Activates blood circulation Anti-inflammatory Decongestant Dermal regenerator, healing Anti-infectious (bactericide, major antiviral, also anti-fungal) Camphor essential oil protects the ENT pathway from the bronchi and the entire respiratory tract. It releases and decongests quickly: that is to say, it is an excellent mucolytic and expectorant. It is also analgesic so it relieves joint pain in athletes, the elderly and all those who suffer from muscle and joint pain.

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